Roy Glashan's Library
Non sibi sed omnibus

Esoteric Writings - Books
The Coming of the Fairies 1922 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
D.D. Home: His Life and Mission (editor) 1888 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The History of Spiritualism, Volume 1 1926 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The History of Spiritualism, Volume 2 1927 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Mystery of Joan of Arc (translator) 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The New Revelation (book) 1918 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Pheneas Speaks. Direct Spirit Communications 1927 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Vital Message 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Case for Spirit Photography 1922 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Collected Articles, Letters & Pamphlets
The Edge of the Unknown 1930 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Spiritualists' Reader (editor) 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Individual Articles, Letters & Pamphlets
The Cottingley Fairies. An Epilogue 1923 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Early Christian Church and Modern Spiritualism 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Fairies Photographed 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Houdini Enigma 1927 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Mediumship of Florence Cook 1926 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The New Revelation (pamphlet) 1917 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Sideric Pendulum (introduction by ACD) 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Spiritualism: Some Straight Questions and Direct Answers 1922 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Stranger Than Fiction 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Truth of Spiritualism 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Uncharted Coast Series (illustrated)
1. The Law of the Ghost 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
2. A New Light on Old Crimes 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
3. The Shadows on the Screen 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
4. An Old Story Retold 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
5. The Absolute Proof 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
6. A Worker of Wonders 1921 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Currently Unavailabe
Early Psychic Experiences 1924 HTML1 HfTML2 EPUB
A Lecture on Spiritualism 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
An Open Letter to Those of My Generation 1929 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Our Reply To The Cleric 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Psychic Experiences 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Roman Catholic Church: A Rejoinder 1929 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Spiritualism And Rationalism 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
What Does Spiritualism Actually Teach and Stand For? 1928 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Word of Warning 1928 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB>