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* About My Own Stories (article) The Boy’s Own Paper, Nov 1921 * Ace High (story) Short Stories (US), Sep 10 1941 Short Stories (UK), Dec 1945 * Adventurers All: The Voyage of the "Ashcrest" (true story) Short Stories (US), Apr 25 1941 Short Stories (UK), Jun 1945 * Astrobe’s Necklace (story) Chums #1246, Jul 29 1916 * The Bird of Prey (novelette) Adventure, Feb 1 1928 * Birds of a Feather (story) Short Stories (US), May 25 1934 Short Stories (UK), Oct 1934 * The Black Brothers (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1936 * The Black Leopard (story) Chums #1301, August 18 1917 * The Black Robe (story) Chums #1688, January 18 1925 * The Blockade Runners (novelette) Short Stories (US), March 25 1940 Short Stories (UK), January 1941 * The Bridge at Alba: The Adventures of Cornet Michael O'Dare (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Jul 1937 * The Bridge of Justice (story) Boys' Life, Oct 1937 * The Bronze Casket: A Tale pf the Air (novel) Frederick Warne and Co., London, 1938) * Brothers of the Blackwoods (story) Chums #1462, Sep 18 1920 * Bushido (story) Adventure, Jun 15 1929 * Call of the Blood (story) Adventure, Nov 15 1930 * The Captives of the Cave (serial) Chums, Mar 23 1918 - May 25 1918 * The Castaways (story) Frontier Stories (US), Jun 1927 Frontier Stories (UK), Dec 1927 * The Cat and the Curate: A Phenomenal Experience (novel) Frederick A Stokes, New York, 1934 * The Cave Temple of Kali (story) Chums #1317, Dec 8 1917 * China Seas (story) All Star Adventure Magazine, Feb 1937 * Chinese Deal (story) Chums Annual 1938, 1937 * Cinderface (story) Frontier Stories (US) March 1927 * The City of the Sorcerer (novel) Hutchinson and Co., London, 1934 * The Clearing Station (serial) Chums, Feb 8 1919 - Feb 15 1919 * The Clutch of the Water Dragon (story) The British Boy's Annual, 1926 * The Company's Gold (serial) Boys' Life, Mar - Jun 1939 * Congo Chains (novelette) The Frontier (US), Oct 1926 The Frontier (UK), Apr 1927 * The Country of the Dead (story) Chums #1736, Dec 20 1925 * The Cunning or Mr Quang (story) Chums Dec 1934 * The Cunning of Quang (novel) Oxford University Press, London, 1935 * Don Virgilio (story) Boys' Life, Nov 1936 * The Dragon Flag (story) Adventure, Oct 1939 * The Emerald Trail (story) Short Stories (US), Dec 10 1933 Short Stories (UK), mid-Apr 1934 * The Eve of Bussaco: The Adventures of Cornet Michael O'Dare (story) The Boy's Own Paper, May 1937 * The Eye of Suda (story) Chums Annual 1936, 1935 * Followers of the Trail (story) The Scout #803, Sep 1 1923 * The Forest King (serial) Chums, Sep 17 1921 - Dec 31 1921 * For Services Rendered (story) Complete Stories, Nov 1936 * Galley Slave (story) Boys' Life, January 1937 * The Galley Slave: A Tale of the Barbary Corsairs (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Apr 1938 * The Gate of Death (story) Chums March 1934 * The Ghost of Carrickgore (story) Boys' Life, Jul 1937 * The Grand Duke's Ruby (story) Chums #1232, Apr 22 1916 * Guardian of the Sacred Hills (story) Chums #1677, Nov 2 1924 * The Heart of a Chief (story) The British Boy's Annual 1921, 1920 * The Heart of the Congo (serial) Chums Feb 15 1925 - Jul 12 1925 * Hook-Arm (story) Chums #1631, Dec 15 1923 * The Hornets' Nest (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Jun 1936 * How Robin Attended a Wedding [Robin Hood] (story) The Boy's Own Paper, May 1940 * How Robin Became an Outlaw [Robin Hood] (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Apr 1940 * How Robin Stole the Sheriff's Plate [Robin Hood] (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Jun 1940 * How the Cornet Spent His Leave: The Adventures of Cornet Michael O'Dare (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 1937 * In Mid Air (story) The British Girl's Annual 1919, 1918 * In Paul's Yard: The Sixth of the Adventures of Sir Peter Rash (story) The Boy's Own Paper, March 1939 * In the Cart (story) Adventure, May 1 1932 * In the Land of Shame (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Oct - Mar 1924 * In the Power of the Pygmies. A tale of the great African forest (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1914 - May 1915 * The Iron Tribe (story) Chums #1470, Nov 13 1920 * The Jackal (novelette) Complete Stories, Nov 1927 * Jack-Without-a-Roof. A Story of the War in La Vendée (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov - Apr 1923 The American Boy, Feb 1923 * The John Company (story) Adventure, January 1 1930 * The Jong-Tong Mystery (story) Chums March 1935 * The Judgement of M'Womba (story) Chums #1500, Jun 11 1921 * King Taotai (novelette) Adventure, Oct 15 1928 * The Last of the Sons of Heaven (novelette) Short Stories Feb 25 1936 The Master Thriller, Series #14, 1936 Short Stories Jul 1953 * The Long Ravine (story) Chums #1236, May 20 1916 * The Lost City (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Jan-Feb 1920 "The Boy's Own Paper" Office, London, 1923 * The Lost Column: A Story of the Boxer Rebellion in China (novel) Hodder and Stoughton/Henry Frowde, London, 1909 * The Lost Island (serial) The Captain Oct - Mar 1908 Hodder and Stoughton/Henry Frowde, London, 1910 * Lung Wen's Finger-Nails (story) Chums #1619, Sep 22 1923 * Malay Man-Hunter (story) Detective Short Stories, Nov 1937 * Mandarin Honor (novelette) Adventure, Dec 23 1926 * The Menace of the Night (story) The British Boy's Annual, 1925 * The Nail and the Necklace (story) The Blue Book Magazine, Oct 1936 * The Old Buddha's Bed (novelette) Short Stories, Sep 25 1940 Mystery Stories #25, Feb 1942 * On the Other Side of the Wall (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Jun 1916 * The Paper Dart [Mr. Wang] (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Jul 1919 * Parliament or King—A Golden Hand Story (story) Boys' Life, August 1937 Chums Annual 1939, 1938 * Partner of the Wolf Pack (story) The British Boy's Annual, 1922 * The Pink Jade Button (story) Chums August 1933 * The Pirate Aeroplane (novel) Hodder and Stoughton/Henry Frowde, London, 1913 * Queen of the Andes (novel) Frederick Warne and Co, London, 1935 * The Quest of Running Bear (story) Chums #1242, Jul 1 1916 * The Race Round the World (novel) Hodder and Stoughton/Henry Frowde, London, 1914) * The Realm of the Wizard King (novel) "The Boy's Own Paper" Office, London, 1922 * The Red Lamp (novelette) Adventure, Feb 15 1929 * The Red Tribe (serial) Chums, Nov 23 1924 - Feb 8 1925 * The Refugee (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Dec 1924 - Apr 1925 * The River God's Gift (story) Chums #2035, Sep 8 1931 * The River of Peril (story) The Captain, August 1919 * The Scarlet Hand (novel) "The Boy's Own Paper" Office, London, 1920 * The Secret Society of the Map (serial) Chums Mar 31 - May 26 1923 * The Secret Society of the Tortoise Mask (serial) Chums Feb 26 - May 7 1921 * The Silken Cord (story) Chums #1559, Jul 29 1922 * The Silver Shoe (novel) "The Boy's Own Paper" Office, London, 1924 * Singapore Cargo (story) All Star Adventure Magazine, Dec 1936 * The Snake in the Grass (story) The British Boy's Annual, 1921 * The Society of the Silver Shoe (serial) Everybody's Aug - Oct 1927 * Submarine U93 (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1915 - May 1916 * Taboo (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Jun - Jul 1932 * The Thraldom of Singan (story) Adventure, Jul 1 1928 * The Treasure of the Lost Tribe (novel) Cassell and Co., London, 1926 * Three Thieves (story) Adventure, March 15 1927 * Through the Boxer Lines (story) Chums Jun 1935 * Thunderbolt (story) The Oxford Annual for Boys, 1935 * Treasure of Kings (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1921 - May 1922 * The Twins of Tendring (serial) The Captain #121, Apr - Sep 1909 * Two Broken Teeth (story) Boys' Life, Dec 1936 * Under the Black Mask. A Story of Jerry Abershaw, Highwayman (story) The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 1924 * The Undesirable Alien (novelette) Short Stories (US), Aug 25 1935 Short Stories (UK), late Dec 1935 * The Voice of the Devil God (story) Chums #1703, May 3 1925 * The Voyage of the "Ashcrest" (ts) Short Stories (US), Apr 25 1941 Short Stories (UK). Jun 1945 * The War-Drum of the Pygmies (story) The British Boy's Annual 1920, 1919 * When China Flamed Red (novelette) War Stories, Nov 1926 * The Whispering Joss (novelette) The Youth's Companion Combined with American Boy, Feb 1930 The Modern Boy, Apr 26 - Jun 21 1930 * The White Wizard (story) Chums #1638, Feb 2 1924 * The Wizard King (serial) The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1920 - May 1921 * The Wizard of Kandara (serial) The Children's Newspaper Jan 3 - Apr 25 1925 * The Wizard of the Andes (story) Chums #1404, August 9 1919 * Wolfskin (serial) Boys' Life, Dec 1935 - Apr 1936 * The Wrath of the Rain God (story) Chums #2037, Sep 22 1931 * The Yellow Death (serial) Chums Jul 9 - Aug 27 1929 * The Zulu Trail (serial) The American Boy, Nov 1925 - Mar 1926
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