Roy Glashan's Library
Non sibi sed omnibus

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Novels and Novelettes
The Constable of St. Nicholas 1894 HTML EPUB
Lepidus the Centurion: A Roman of Today 1901 HTML EPUB
Lieut. Gullivar Jones: His Vacation 1905 HTML EPUB
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician 1890 HTML EPUB
Stories and Collections
A Day Between A Tiger's Paws Aug 1897 HTML EPUB
Dead Man's Diamonds 1922 HTML EPUB
His Star Aug 1895 HTML EPUB
His Wedding Day Aug 1895 HTML EPUB
Marooned Jun 1929 HTML EPUB
The Splendid Dead 1893 HTML EPUB
The Story of Ulla and Other Tales 1895 HTML EPUB
   •  01. The Story of Ulla Mar 1892 HTML
   •  02. The Vengeance of Dungarvan 1895 HTML
   •  03. A Dreadful Night May 1894 HTML
   •  04. Rutherford the Twice-Born May 1892 HTML
   •  05. A Stranger Woman Jan 1894 HTML
   •  06. A Narrow Escape 1895 HTML
   •  07. That Babe of Meg's 1895 HTML
   •  08. A Fair Puritan Aug 1893 HTML
   •  09. Meg of the Braids Aug 1894 HTML
   •  10. Margaret Spens 1895 HTML
The Surrender of Lady Disdainful Aug 1909 HTML EPUB
Why Mustafa Went to the Crocodiles Aug 1909 HTML EPUB
The Wreck of the Golden Verity Aug 1909 HTML EPUB