A', aw (adj)—All.
A'body, awbodie (n)—Everyone, everybody.
Abune (adv/prep)—Above, over.
Ae (adj)—One; the only.
Ahint (adv/prep)—Behind.
Aiblins (adv)—Perhaps, maybe.
Ain (adj)—Own.
Aince (adv)—Once.
Aiple, aipple (n)—An apple.
Airn (n)—Iron.
Airt (n)—Direction; (v)—to aim; to direct.
Aith (n)—An oath.
Aits (n)—Oats.
Alane (adj/adv)—Alone.
Aneath (adv)—Beneath; underneath; below.
Anent (prep)—Concerning; (adj)— opposite; across from.
Antinomian (n)—One who maintains that, under the gospel dispensation, the moral law is of no use or obligation, but that faith alone is necessary to salvation. The sect of Antinomians originated with John Agricola, in Germany, about the year 1535.
Aquavitty (n)—Aquavit.
Aroint, aroynt (interj)—Begone! (v) - to drive or scare off by some exclamation.
Ass, ess, yiss (n)—Ash, ashes
Assoilize (v)—To absolve or finally decide in favour of a defendant.
Asteer (adj)—Astir.
Aught, aucht, aicht (n/adj)— Eight(h).
Auld (adj)—Old.
Ayont (prep)—Beyond.
Backcast (n)—Anything which brings misfortune upon one, or causes failure in an effort or enterprise; a reverse.
Back-end (n)—Autumn.
Back-thocht (n)—A suspicion.
Bairn (n)—A baby; a child.
Bairnly (adj)—Childish; infantile.
Baith (adj)—Both.
Bane (n)—A bone.
Bannock (n)—A kind of cake or bread, in shape flat and roundish, usually made of oatmeal or barley meal and baked on a griddle
Barry, barrae (n)—A barrow.
Battalation (n)—A struggle.
Bauchle (n)—Originally a shabby or worn-out shoe; the term is also used to describe a frail and careworn or shabby-looking person.
Bauld (adj)—Bold.
Baulk (n)—A beam ; also, an unploughed or uncultivated strip of land.
Bawbee (n)—Six-pence; a six-penny coin; bawbee-jo (n)—a six-penny sweatheart, i.e., a young man hired to walk with a girl.
Bear (n)—Barley.
Begowk (v)—To deceive.
Beil, beal (v)—To fester.
Bejaunts (n)—Presumably a corruption of "beaux gens", fine folk, meaning in this context the students at St. Andrew's College.
Beltane (n)—The Celtic name for May-day, on which also was held a festival called by the same name, originally common to all the Celtic peoples. This festival, the most important ceremony of which in later centuries was the lighting of the bonfires known as "beltane fires," is believed to represent the Druidical worship of the sun-god. The fuel was piled on a hill-top, and at the fire the beltane cake was cooked, This was divided into pieces corresponding to the number of those present, and one piece was blackened with charcoal. For these pieces lots were drawn, and he who had the misfortune to get the black bit became cailleach bealtine (the beltane carline)—a term of great reproach. He was pelted with egg-shells, and afterwards for some weeks was spoken of as dead. In the north-east of Scotland beltane fires were still kindled in the latter half of the 18th century. There were many superstitions connecting them with the belief in witchcraft. According to Cormac archbishop of Cashel about the year 908, who furnishes in his glossary the earliest notice of beltane, it was customary to light two fires close together, and between these both men and cattle were driven, under the belief that health was thereby promoted and disease warded off. The Highlanders have a proverb, "he is between two beltane fires." Beltane, as the 1st of May, was in ancient Scotland one of the four quarter days, the others being Hallowmas, Candlemas, and Lammas. (Source: www.1911encyclopedia.org)
Benorth (adv)—(To the) north of.
Bent (n)—Grass.
Besom (n)—A broomstick; also, a hussy; a loose woman.
Bestial (n)—Livestock; domestic animals; also, animals in general.
Bide (v)—To stay; to dwell; to endure; to put up with; to tolerate.
Bield (v)—To shelter.
Bien (adj)—Properous; well-to-do; cosy; comfortable.
Biggit (pp)—Built.
Binna (v)- Be not; don't be; (conj)—unless; except.
Birk (n)—A birch-tree.
Bit (n)—A place; a piece; also, the nick of time.
Black-avised (adj)—Dark-complexioned.
Blaeberry (n)—A blueberry.
Blate (adj)—Timid; shy; hesitant.
Blaw (n/v)—Blow; blast (as of wind); boast; also, to flatter.
Bleeze, bleize (n/v)—Blaze.
Blench (v)—To flinch.
Blether (n/v)—Idle talk; babble; blather.
Blink (n)—A moment; a glance; a smile.
Blithe (adj)—Happy; contented; pleased.
Bluid (n)—Blood; (v)—to bleed.
Bodie, body (n)—A person; someone.
Bog-fire (n)—A will-o'-the-wisp.
Bodle, boddle (n)—A Scottish two-penny coin.
Bogle (n)—A hobgoblin.
Boll (n)—A Scottish measure, formerly in use: for wheat and beans it contained four Winchester bushels; for oats, barley, and potatoes, six bushels. A boll of meal is 140 lbs. avoirdupois; also, a measure for salt of two bushels.
Bonnet-laird—a land-owner whose estate was so small that he worked it himself as a farmer (the term bonnet refers to his customary humble headdress).
Bonnie, bonny (adj)—Pretty; beautiful.
Boscage, boskage (n)—A mass of trees or shrubs; a thicket.
Bountith (n)—A bounty; a gratuity.
Bourtree (n)—An elder tree.
Brac (n)—A rock; a bluff.
Brae (n)—A hill(side); a slope.
Braid (adj)—Broad.
Brander (v)—To grill (on a grid-iron).
Braw (adj)—Fine; grand.
Brawly (adv)—Well; grandly.
Braxy (n)—A sheep's disease; a diseased sheep, or its mutton.
Brazen (v)—To bluff; to tell a boldfaced lie.
Breeks (n)—Trousers.
Breid (n)—Bread.
Brig (n)—A bridge.
Brimestane (n)—Brimstone.
Brither (n)—A brother.
Brock (n)—A badger.
Broo (n)—A brow; hae nae broo— to have no head for; to care or know little or nothing about.
Brose (n)—A dish made with coarse oatmeal; a kind of porridge; also, a lump.
Browst (n)—A brewing of ale.
Bruit (n)—News; a report.
Brunt (adj/pp)—Burnt; burned.
Bucht (n)—A sheep-pen; also, a bay.
Buirdly (adj)—Muscular; well-built; strapping.
Busk (v)—To dress; to adorn; to make ready.
Buss (n)—A bush; a shrub.
Buts-and-bens (n)—Croft houses with two rooms. The "but" was the room into which strangers and more official guests, like the church elder or the insurance agent, were taken. The "ben" was the family room into which close friends were invited. This is the origin of the hospitable welcome, "Come awa' ben."
Byke (n)—A nest of bees, wasps or ants.
By-ordinar (adj)—Extra-ordinary.
Ca', caw (n/v)—Call.
Caddis-worm (n)—The aquatic larva of a caddis fly, which constructs a protective case around itself made of silk and covered with sand or plant debris.
Cadger (n)—A hawker.
Caird (n)—A tinker; also, a card; (v)— to scold; to abuse.
Callant (n)—A boy; a young man.
Caller (adj)—Fresh, cool; (v)—to cool.
Camceil (n)—A sloping ceiling; camceiled - having a sloping ceiling.
Camsteery, camsteirie (adj)—Errant; delinquent; unmanageable; misdirected.
Canker (v)—To infect; also, to fret.
Canny (adj)—Cautious; careful; skillful; gentle; (interj)—Be careful!
Cantrip (n)—A trick; a frolic; a jape; a magic spell.
Canty, cantie (adj)—Cosy; comfortable; merry; cheerful; happy.
Carle (n)—A man (usually old).
Cartes (n)—Playing cards.
Cateran (n)—A Highland robber; an irregular soldier.
Cauld (adj/n)—Cold.
Cauld (n)—A weir.
Certes (interj)—For sure!
Chairge (n/v)—Charge.
Change-house, chynge-house (n)—An inn; an ale-house.
Chap (v)—To strike; to knock; to chap; also, to strike a bargain.
Cheep (n/v)—Whisper; squeak; chirp.
Chief (adj)—Friendly; chief; main; primary.
Chiel(d) (n)—A young man; a fellow; a lad; a child.
Chirurgeon (n)—Surgeon; doctor.
Chuckie (n)—A chicken; a hen.
Clachan (n)—A hamlet; a village.
Claes (n)—Clothes; deid claes— burial gown; burial clothes.
Clamjamphrie (n)—A crowd; a mob; a rabble; odds and ends.
Clamjamphried (adj/pp)—Surrounded, hemmed-in; mobbed.
Clary—An aromatic Mediterranean herb (Salvia sclarea) in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery. Also called clary sage.
Clash (n)—Gossip; idle talk.
Clatter (n)—Country talk, chatter; also, sharp repetitive sounds.
Clatter-vengeance (n)—A tittle-tattler, a chatterbox, a blabber-mouth.
Claught, claucht (pp)—Grasped, grabbed. Claught by the Deil and awa' wi'.—Snatched by the Devil and spirited away.
Claver (n/v )—Gossip, chatter.
Cleading, claeding (n)—Clothing.
Clout, cloot (n)—A (piece of) cloth, a rag.
Clype (v)—To tell tales; to gossip; to snitch; (n)—a tell-tale; a gossip.
Cog, cogie, coggie (n)—A wooden bowl or dish; a pail.
Collogue (v)—To chat; to confer in whispers; to be in league; (n)—a conference; a whispered conversation; a private interview.
Cornet (o' horse) (n)—A troop of cavalry (so called from being accompanied by a cornet player); the lowest grade of commissioned officer in a British cavalry troop.
Corp (n)—A body, a corpse.
Corpus Evangelicorum—The Protestant League created by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden (1611-32).
Cot, cot-house (n)—A farm cottage.
Cotter, cottar (n)—A tenant occupying a farm cottage, sometimes with a small plot of land, in return for labouring on the farm; cottar land—land attachd to a cottage.
Coup, cowp (v)—To overturn; to upset; also, to trade; to coup the crans—to upset the barrels, i.e., to be the last straw; to upset the apple-cart.
Couthy (adj)—Agreeable, pleasant, comfortable.
Cowe (v)—To terrify; to keep under; to lop; cowe a'—to crown everything; to be the lat straw.
Covenanter (n) A Scottish Presbyterian who supported either of two agreements, the National Covenant of 1638 or the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643, intended to defend and extend Presbyterianism.
Crack (v)—To talk; to chatter; (n)— news; a flaw.
Craig (n)—Neck; throat; also, a crag.
Cran (n)—An iron tripod for hanging cooking pots over a fire; a trivet; also, a barrel.
Craw (n/v)—Crow.
Creel (n)—A basket.
Creepie (n)—A low stool.
Crock (n)—A old ewe; also, an eathenware container; (v)—to kill; to croak; draw crocks - to select older ewes for the purpose of forming groups.
Crouse (adj)—Self-satisfied, conceited, arrogant, proud; also, bold, courageous, spirited, confident; also, cosy, comfortable.
Cruisie (n)—A lamp.
Cumber (v)—To impede; to burden.
Cupple (n) A roof-beam or rafter(?). Assumption based on a reference to "rafters" in Chapter 14, Paragraph 1: "Mark Kerr's cast clothes had been hidden at first in the gloom of the rafters in David's camceiled bedroom". There is also a reference to cupple in General History of the Highlands The Living Conditions in the Highlands Prior to 1745 (found at www.electricscotland.com). Here we read: "Till the beginning of this (18th) century, all the heritors and wadsetters (land- and mortage- holders) in this parish lived in houses composed of cupple trees, and the walls and thatch made up of sod and divot... "
Cushat (n)—A wood-pigeon.
Cutty-stool, cuttie-stuil (n)—Stool of repentance; a seat in old Scottish churches where offenders were made to sit for public rebuke by the minister; also, a low stool.
Cyropaedia—A book by Xenophon. Cyropaedia is a political and philosophical romance which describes the boyhood and training of Cyrus, King of Persia.It contains the author's own ideas of training and education, derived both from the teachings of Socrates and from his favourite Spartan institutions. It was said to have been written in opposition to the Republic of Plato. A distinct moral purpose, to which literal truth is sacrificed, runs through the work. For instance, Cyrus is represented as dying peacefully in his bed, whereas, according to Herodotus, he fell in a campaign against the Massagetae.
Dacent (adj)—Decent.
Dae (v)—To do.
Daer, doer (n)—A factor; an agent; a person who acts for another; a doer.
Daff (v)—To flirt; to play or fool around.
Dambrod (n)—A checker-board; a chess-board.
Damps (n)—Depression; dejection; cloud of the mind.
Dang (doun) (v)—To strike (down); to damn.
Daunder (n/v)—Stroll.
Daur (v)—To dare; to lurk; to crouch; to intimidate; daurna (v)—dare not.
Dear Years—"King William's dear years" a period of severe famine which lasted seven years (1693-1700). A writer of the times says: "Those manifold, unheard-of judgments continued seven years, not always alike, but the seasons, summer and winter, so cold and barren, and the wonted heat of the sun so much withholden, that it was discernible upon the cattle, flying fowls, and insects decaying, that seldom a fly or cleg was to be seen; our harvests not in the ordinary months; many shearing in November and December; yea, some in January and February; many contracting their deaths, and losing the use of their feet and hands shearing and working in frost and snow; and, after all, some of it standing still and rotting upon the ground, and much of it for little use either to man or beast, and which had no taste or colour of meal".
Deas (n)—A seat (often of stone or turf); a dais; a church desk; a pew; also, a wooden seat used as a bed or a table.
Deave (v)—To deafen.
Deid (adj)—Dead ; deid-thraws (n) - death throes.
Deil (n)—The Devil.
Deil a haet (n)—Not a whit; not in the least; not at all.
Delate (v)—To denounce; to accuse; to inform against.
Delation (n)—An accusation by an informer; a denunciation.
Denner (n)—A dinner.
Denty (adj)—Dainty; (adv)—daintily.
De Sancti Pauli Epistolis—Concerning the Letters of St Paul.
Deus haec nobis otia fecit—God has given us this tranquility (Vergil, Ecloga I).
Differ (n)—A difference.
Ding (v)—To strike; to knock; to hit; also, to surpass.
Dirl (v)—To vibrate; to shake.
Distrackit, distractit (adj)— Distracted; distressed.
Dittay (n)—An indictment; the substance of the charge against a person accused of a crime.
Ditton (n)—A motto.
Dizzen (n)—A dozen.
Dochter (n)—A daughter.
Doit (n)—A small copper coin.
Doited, dyted (adj)—Foolish; crazy; mixed-up.
Doo (n)—A dove.
Dook, jouk (v)—To duck.
Doomster, dempster, dempstar (n)—An officer of the court who pronounced doom or sentence as directed by the clerk or judge.
Doorcheek (n)—The jamb or sidepiece of a door.
Doorstane (n)—A threshold; a flagstone in front a a threshold.
Doot (n/v)—Doubt.
Dominie (n)—A schoolmaster; a headmaster.
Dort (v), tak the dorts—To sulk.
Dott'rel (n)—A silly fellow; a moron; a dupe; a gull.
Douce (adj)—Decorous; neat; gentle; grave.
Dowg, dug (n)—A dog.
Dowie (adj)—Dismal; depressing; sad.
Downsetting, doun-setting (n)—A tenured position; an incumbency; a benefice; an entitlement.
Dowp (n)—Buttocks, backside; bottom end; also, the bottom of an egg-shell.
Dozen (v)—To become confused; also: to become cold or numb.
Dragon (n)—A dragoon.
Drap (n/v)—Drop.
Dredgy, dredgie (n)—A funeral feast; a wake.
Dreich (adj)—Dreary; dull; tedious.
Drucken (adj)—Drunk; drunken.
Drugget (n)—A fabric woven wholly or partly of wool, formerly used for clothing.
Drumly, drumlie (adj)—Murky; muddy.
Duds (n)—Rags; clothes.
Dwaibly, dwaiblie (adj)—Feeble; weak; shaky; wobbly.
Dwam, dwaum (n)—A swoon; a fainting- spell; fit of sickness.
Dwine (v)—To waste away; to sicken; to languish.
Dyke (n)—A wall.
Earth-stopper (n)—A person hired by hunters to block the entrances to a fox's earths. Here the term earth-stoppers is used to describe troops left to guard places where fleeing enemy soldiers might try to hide.
Een (n)—Eyes.
E'en (n)—Even(ing); (adj)—even; (adv) - very well; guid e'en—good evening.
Eident, eydent (adj)—Diligent; industrious; careful; circumspect.
Elbuck (n)—An elbow.
Elf-bolt (n)—(also elf-arrow, elfer-stone and fairy-dart)—A name given to flint arrow heads found in Britain. It was thought that these were fired by elves at domestic animals.
Eneuch (adj/adv)—Enough.
Ensample (n)—An example.
Ettercap, attercup (n)—A spider.
Ettle (v)—To intend; to endeavour.
Excommunicat (adj)—Excommunicated.
Faither (n)—A father.
Fama (n)—A rumour; a report; repute; reputation (Latin).
Far ben (adj)—Very familiar; very intimate.
Fash (v)—To bother, annoy, irritate, trouble.
Fashious (adj)—Troublesome; annoying; vexing.
Fauld (n/v)—Fold.
Fause (adj)—False.
Faut (n/v)—Blame; fault.
Fecht (n/v)—Fight.
Feck (n)—Many; plenty; the feck o'—most of.
Feckless (adj)—Weak; powerless; incompetent; stupid.
Fee (n)—Wages; employment as a servant.
Fencing the tables (n)—A special talk delivered after the sermon in which a preacher explains the meaning of the service and describes the type of people who should be "at the Table of the Lord" (i.e., take communion) and who shouldn't.
Feud (n)—Strife; struggle; a feud: thole feud—to endure adversity.
Ferlie (n)—A marvel; a wonder.
Fernietickles (n)—Freckles.
Fickle (v)—To puzzle.
Fieldfare (n)—A small thrush (Turdus pilaris) which breeds in northern Europe and winters in Great Britain.
Flee (v)—To fly; also, to flee.
Fley (v)—To scare, to frighten.
Flit (v)—To move house; to shift; to migrate.
Flitting (adj)—Fleet; swift-moving; (n) - the process of moving house.
Floorish (n)—Blossoms; blooms; flowers; (v) to flourish; to blossom; be in flower; also, to embroider
Flowemoss, flow-moss (n)—A low-lying piece of watery land; also called flow-bog.
Flyte (v)—To scold; flytin' (n)—a scolding.
Forby(e) (prep)—Besides; apart from; except.
Forgie (v)—To forgive.
Forrit (adj/adv)—Forward.
Forwander (v)—To go astray; to get lost; to wander until weary.
Fosy, fozie (adj)—dull; stupid; also, soft; ragged; frayed.
Fou' (adj)—Full; drunk; (n)— saxifrage.
Foumart (n)—A ferret; a polecat.
Fower (n)—Four.
Frae (prep)—From.
Freit (n)—An omen; an augury; a supersition.
Fremd (adj)—Strange; alien; foreign.
Fricht (n/v)—Fright; to frighten.
Frieze (n)—A coarse, shaggy woolen cloth with an uncut nap.
Fuff (n)—A puff; also, a huff of rage.
Fule, fuil (n)—A fool.
Fushion (n)—Vigour; spirit; energy.
Fyle (v)—To foul.
Gait (n)—A path; a way; manner; a pace.
Gang (v)—To go.
Gangrel (n)—A vagrant; a tramp.
Gant, gaunt (v/n)—Yawn.
Gar (v)—To compel; to force; to make.
Garron, garran (n)—A gelding; a work horse; a hack
Gash (adj)—Lively; animated; also, shrewd; wise; sagacious; (v)—to prattle.
Gaun (pres p)—Going.
Gean (n)—The wild cherry.
Gear (n)—Possessions; belongings; wealth; also, equipment.
Geneva gown (n)—A loose black academic or clerical gown with wide sleeves.
Gentrice (n)—Gentry; gentility.
Gey (adv)—Very.
Gie (v)—To give.
Gillyflower (n)—The carnation or a similar plant of the genus Dianthus.
Gilpie (n)—A tomboy.
Gimmer (n)—A two-year-old ewe.
Gin (conj)—If; whether; (adv)—by; before.
Girdle (n)—A griddle; a circular iron plate for cooking.
Girn (v)—To snarl; to grimace; to complain; to grin; to whine; (n)—a noose, a snare.
Girnel (n)—A granary; a silo; a meal-chest.
Glebe (n)—The land belonging, or yielding revenue, to a parish church or ecclesiastical benefice.
Gled (n)—A hawk; a kite (bird); also, a gadfly; a horsefly; a missile.
Glee'd, gleyed (adj)—squint-eyed; cockeyed; mistaken.
Gleg (adj)—Alert; attentive; bright.
Glisk (n)—A glimpse.
Gloamin' (n)—The dusk; twilight.
Glower (n)—A frown; a glare.
Gopher wood (n)—The wood with which Noah was directed to build the ark. "Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and out with pitch"— Genesis 6:14. Shittim wood (n) - The wood of the shittah-tree (Isaiah 41:19), which was employed in making the various parts of the tabernacle in the wilderness. It was the acacia or mimosa (Acacia Nilotica or A. seyal).
Gowd (n/adj)—Gold.
Gowk (n)—A cuckoo; a fool.
Grane, grain (v)—To groan.
Grape, graip(n)—A stick; a handle; a grip.
Graund (adj)—Fine; splendid; grand.
Greet (v)—To weep; to cry.
Grieve (n)—A foreman; an overseer.
Grippy, grippie (adj)—Mean; miserly; avaricious; grabby; devious; likely to cheat.
Grosart, groset (n) A gooseberry.
Guddle (v)—To grope; to tickle (trout).
Gudeman, guidman, (n)—A husband; a master.
Gude-sister, guid-sister (n)—A sister- in-law.
Gudesire, guidsir—(n)—A grandfather.
Guidit (pp of guide)—Managed; directed.
Guisyard, guisard (n)—A Halloween or Christmas mummer; a masquerader.
Gyte (adj)—Mad; crazy; insane.
Hadden down (adj)—Kept in place; curbed; weighed down; cut down to size (as in the proverb "An ill wife and a new- kindled candle should hae their heads hadden down.")
Haill, hail, (adj)—Whole.
Hairst (n)—Autumn; harvest.
Hallan, hallin (n)—A partition between a door and the fire place in a cottage; an inner wall or partition, often forming a porch or passageway.
Hallowmass (n)—All Saints' Day, a feast day originally introduced by the Catholic Church and celebrated on the 1st of November in honour of all the saints, known or unknown. In the Roman Catholic Church it is a festival of the first rank, with a vigil and an octave. Common commemorations, by several churches, of the deaths of martyrs began to be celebrated in the 4th century... So far as the Western Church generally is concerned, though the festival was already widely celebrated in the days of Charlemagne, it was only made of obligation throughout the Prankish empire in 835 by a decree of Louis the Pious issued "at the instance of Pope Gregory IV. and with the assent of all the bishops," which fixed its celebration on the 1st of November. The festival was retained at the Reformation in the calendar of the Church of England, and also in that of many of the Lutheran churches.
Hame (n/adv)—Home.
Hank (n)—A skein (of wool); a coil; also, influence; control; hesitation; bleach your warst hanks in your ain yaird—don't wash your dirty linen in public.
Hank (v)—To snag; to entangle; to contrict; to delay.
Hantle (n)—A quantity; a number.
Harl (v)—To drag; to haul; to pull; (n)—an accumulation; (adj)—rough-cast.
Haud (v)—To hold; haud by—to keep to; to stay on.
Haugh, hauch (n)—Level ground, especially on the banks of a river; a riverside meadow.
Haver, haiver (n)—Nonsense; also, oats; (v) to talk nonsense.
Haverel, haiverel (n)—A half-wit.
Heid (n/v)—Head.
Hennyseed (n)—Aniseed.
Hellicat, hallockit, hallirackit (n) - A rowdy person; a hell-raiser; a good-for-nothing; a shrewish woman; also, a fool; (adj) - rowdy, noisy, hoydenish; shrewish.
Het (adj)—Hot.
Hinder, hinner (adj)—Latter; final; rear; (adv)—behind.
Hinderlands (n)—Backside; buttocks; hind end.
Hinny (n)—Honey.
Hirple (v)—To limp; to hobble.
Hirsel (n)—A piece of land with a flock of sheep, usually tended by one shepherd.
Hoast (n/v)—Cough.
Hodden (n)—A coarse woolen cloth.
Hog-lamb, hogg-lamb (n)—A unweaned castrated lamb.
Homologate (v)—To approve; to endorse; to confirm; to ratify.
Hoose (n)—A house.
Hoots (an' toots) (interj)—An exclamation of surprise or exhortation.
Horn-book (n) - An early primer consisting of a single page protected by a transparent sheet of horn, formerly used in teaching children to read; a text that instructs in the basic skills or rudiments of a subject.
Hotch (v)—To fidget; to heave; to swarm with; also, to shake with laughter.
Hough (v)—To hamstring.
Howdie (n)—A midwife.
Howe (n)—A hollow; a low-lying field.
Howk (v)— To dig; howkit (pp)— Dug, digged.
Howm (n)—Variant of howe—a hollow; a low-lying field.
Hunkers (n)—Haunches.
Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte per umbram... — Darkling they went under the lonely night through the shadow... (Vergil, The Aeneid, Book 6).
Ilka {adj)—Every.
Ill (adj)—Bad; evil.
Imprimis (adv)—In the first place; chiefly (Latin).
Incomer (n)—Stranger; immigrant; intruder.
Ingeminate (v)—To repeat; to reiterate.
Infield (n)—Arable and manured land kept continually under crop;—distinguished from outfield.
Ingle (n)—Hearth, fire.
Intil (prep)—Inside; into.
Ither (n/adj)—Other.
Itur in antiquam silvam?—Does he walk into an ancient wood? (Vergil, The Aeneid, Book 6).
Jalouse (v)—To guess; to surmise; to conjecture; to imagine.
Jaud (n)—A jade; a perverse or fickle woman; twa jauds o' birds—two crazy birds.
Jaw (n)—A gush or surge of water; (v)— to pour; to splash; to surge.
Jeely, jeelie (n)—Jelly; jam.
Jeuk, deuk (n)—A duck.
Jimp (adj)—Very little; hardly any.
Jo (n)—A sweetheart; a boyfriend.
Jouk (v)—To dodge; to duck; to avoid; Jouk and let the jaw go bye—to dodge the bullet; to avoid trouble.
Kail, kale (n)—A soup; a cabbage; a colewort.
Kail-runt, kale-runt (n)—A cabbage- stalk.
Kail through the reek (v)—Retribution; deserved reproof or punishment.
Kail-worm, kaleworm (n)—A caterpillar.
Kail-yard, kale-yard (n)—A vegetable garden (lit. a cabbage garden).
Kain, kane (n)—Payment in kind; rent; a penalty; also a quantity of cheese.
Kebbuck, kebbock (n)—A cheese.
Keek (v)—To peep; to look.
Ken (v)—To know.
Kenspeckle (adj)—Conspicuous.
Kern (n)—A foot soldier.
Killing Time—1679-1688 A period of violent suppression when Covenanters were either sent to America to serve as servants or summarily executed.
Kilt (v)—To tuck up.
Kimmer (n)—A gossip; a god-mother; a girl.
Kirkton, kirktoun (n)—A hamlet or village with a church.
Kirn (n)—A churn..
Kirtle (n)—A dress; (v)—to clothe; to dress.
Kist (n)—A chest; box; also chest in the anatomical sense.
Kittle (adj)—Ticklish; touchy; puzzling; perplexing; (v)—to tickle; to puzzle; to perplex.
Kittling (n)—A kitten.
Knock (n)—A clock.
Knowe (n)—A knoll; a hillock.
Kye (n)—Cows; cattle.
Laich, laigh (adj)—Low.
Laird (n)—A lord; a landlord; a land-owner; bonnet-laird—a land-owner whose estate was so small that he worked it himself as a farmer (the term bonnet refers to his customary humble headdress).
Laith (adj)—Unwilling; loath.
Lameter (n)—A cripple.
Lammas (n)—A feast-day celebrated on August 1st. Lammas marked the start of autumn and the harvest season. It probably began as a celebration of the Celtic goddess Lugh but was absorbed into the church calendar as Loaf Mass Day. Lammas takes its name from the Old English hlaf meaning loaf and maesse meaning feast. The first cut of the harvest was made on Lammas Day and in some areas, its first fruit—a loaf of bread—was given to the local cleric. Lammas was an annual fair day in most parts of Scotland but by the end of the 20th century only the Lammas Fairs at St Andrews and Kirkcaldy remained.
Landlouper (n)—A vagrant; a vagabond.
Landward, landart (adj)—Rustic; bucolic.
Lane (adj)—Solitary, foresaken; alone.
Lang (adj/adv)—Long.
Lap (v)—To wrap; lappit (adj/pp)—enfolded; tucked into.
Lapper (v)—To clot; to curdle; to coagulate; to freeze; lappered (adj)—(blood)soaked.
Lauch (v)—To laugh.
Lave (n)—The remainder; the rest; everyone else; anyone else.
Lazarhouse (n)—A hospital for persons with infectious diseases (especially leprosy).
Leaguer (n)—A camp, especially that of a besieging army; a siege.
Leal (adj)—Loyal.
Lear (n)—Knowledge, lore; printit lear - book-learning.
Leddy (n)—A lady; a laird's wife.
Lee (n/v)—Lie, fib; to live; a life.
Leear (n)—A liar.
Leein' (n)—Lying; fibbing.
Leeve, lee (v)—To live.
Leevin' (adj)—Living; live; alive.
Licht (n/adj)—Light.
Lick (v)—To lash; to beat.
Lift (n)—The sky.
Limmer (n)—A rogue; a rascal.
Linn (n)—A waterfall; a pool (beneath a waterfall); water-erosion.
Linsey-wolsey (n)—A fabric woven from a mixture of wool and flax; also, a dress material of coarse inferior wool, woven on a cotton warp.
Lippen (v)—To trust; to depend on; to rely on; to heed.
Loan (n)—A lane; a track; a milking place; a common green.
Loon, loun (n)—A fellow; a rascal; a boy; a lad.
Losh! (interj)—Lord save us! An exclamation of wonder.
Loup, lowp (n/v)—Leap; jump; loupit (pp)—leaped, jumped.
Lowe (n)—A flame; a glow; a flash.
Lown, lownd (adj)—Calm, serene, still; soft.
Lowse (v)—To set loose; to release; to unleash; (adj)—free; unrestrained.
Lugs (n)—Ears.
Lum (n)—A chimney.
Luntin' (adj)—Smoking; smouldering.
Mailin' (n)—A farm; a small-holding.
Mair (adj/adv)—More.
Malignant (n)—An enemy (soldier); a foeman.
Manann (n)—The ancient Kingdom of Manann stretched from the River Forth, which was its northern border, southwards to Slamanann Sometimes its northern border pushed further north, as Clackmanann which retains the name of the ancient kingdom, lies north of the River Forth. Although an ancient British Kingdom, around the year 570 AD it was ruled by Aidan Mac Gabran (reputedly the father of the legendary King Arthur). Immediately to the north of Manann were the Pictish tribe known as the Maetae or Miathi.
Manibus date lilia plenis—Give lilies by the armful (Vergil, The Aeneid, Book 6).
Manse (n)—A priest's house.
Marrow (n)—A partner; a companion.
Maud (n)—A grey plaid used by shepherds in Scotland.
Maukin (n)—A hare.
Maun (v)—Must.
Maut (n)—Malt; whisky. When the maut's abune the meal (or meat).—When the amount of liquor consumed is more potent than the food eaten.
May', mayd. (n)—A girl; a maiden.
Meal-ark (n)—A box or bin for storing oatmeal.
Mell (n)—A heavy hammer.
Mense (n/v)—Honour; respect; sense.
Merk (n)—A mark; a 17th-century Scottish silver coin with a value of 2/3 of a Pound Scots and worth just over a shilling of English money; land was often valued in merks.
Merry-andrew (n) A clown; a buffoon.
Messan (dog) (n/adj)—Mongrel.
Micht (n/v)—Might; michty (adj)—mighty.
Mim (adj)—Prim; affected, sedate.
Mind o' (v)—To remember; to think of.
Mirk (n)—Darkness; the dark.
Mither (n)—A mother.
Moderator (n)—The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church.
Mools (n)—Soil; earth; mould.
Moss (n)—A bog; moorland.
Moss-trooper (n)—A plunderer; a marauder; one of a band of raiders operating in the bogs on the borders of England and Scotland during the 17th century.
Mou' (n/v)—Mouth.
Muckle (adj)—Large; big; much.
Muir (n)—A moor.
Muirfowl (n), moor-fowl—A red grouse.
Mune, muin (n)—The moon.
Muniment room (n)—A room used for archiving records, charters, seals, deeds, and the like.
Mutch (n)—A cap.
Mutchkin—A Scots pint.
Nae (adj/adv/interj)—No; none; not. The Scots negative is sometimes formed by adding the suffix na or nae to the verb, e.g. dinna—do not; canna—cannot.
Neb (n)—A nose.
Needcessity, needcessitie (n)— Necessity.
Neist (adj/adv)—Next; next to.
Nesty, nestie (adj)—Nasty.
Nettie-wife (n)—A female harvest worker (?), perhaps equipped with a carrying net.
Nicht (n)—A night.
Nieve (n)—A fist; nievefu' (n)— a fistful.
Niffer (n)—A bargain; barter; exchange.
Nocht (n)—Nought; nothing.
Norroway (n)—Norway.
Nowt (n)—Cattle; oxen; bullock(s).
Nozzle (n/v)—Nuzzle.
Ony, onie (adj)—Any.
Or (adv)—Before.
Ordinar (adj)—Ordinary.
Ordinary (n)—1. A dining room or eating house where a meal is prepared for all comers at a fixed price; also, the meal served at such a dining room. 2. The part of a church service which is the same every day.
Orra (adj)—Odd; idle; also, low.
Out (v)—To oust; to remove from office; to expel.
Outby(e), ootby(e)—(adv)— outside.
Outfield (n)—Arable land which has been or is being exhausted.
Owercome (n)—A tradition; a traditional saying or adage.
Oxter (n)—An armpit.
Oy, oye (n)—A grandson; a granddaughter; sometimes—a niece.
Packman (n)—An itinerant merchant.
Paik (n)—Beating; punishment; (v)—to beat.
Parochine (n)—A parish
Parritch (n)—Porridge.
Pat (n)—A pot.
Pawky (adj)—Astute; roguish; also, of humorous outlook; (n)—a mitten.
Peery, peerie (n)—A spinning-top; also, a fir-cone.
Peesweep, peewee (n)—A lapwing.
Peety (n/v)—Pity.
Peewit, pewit (n)—Large crested plover having wattles and spurs.
Penny Bridal (n)—A wild party for newly-weds. These festivities, also known as Silver Bridals or Penny Weddings, were renowned for feasting, drinking, dancing and fighting. Gifts were made to the newly-weds towards the cost of the wedding feast.The wild celebrations started on the eve of the wedding with singing, toasts and the ceremony of feet- washing.
Penny-royal (n)—A Eurasian mint (Mentha pulegium) having small lilac-blue flowers and ovate or nearly orbicular leaves that yield a useful, aromatic oil.
Perque domos Ditis vacuas et inania regna, quale per incertam lunam... —And through the empty dwellings and unsubstantial realms of Hades, as through uncertain moonlight... (Vergil, The Aeneid, Book 6).
Phylactery (n)—Any charm or amulet worn to ward off danger or disease; specifically—either of two small leather boxes, each containing strips of parchment inscribed with quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures, one of which is strapped to the forehead and the other to the left arm; traditionally worn by Jewish men during morning worship, except on the Sabbath and holidays.
Pit (v)—To put.
Pizzle (n); A penis; a whip made from a bull's penis.
Plack (n)—A small coin; worldly possessions; wealth.
Plenishings (n)—Household goods, furnishings; personal property.
Plew-stilt (n)—A plough-handle.
Poo'er, pouer (n)—Power.
Port (n)—A billet; a posting.
Poutry, poutrie (n)—Poultry.
Pouther, pouder (n)—Powder; gun- powder.
Pow, powe (n)—A head; a poll; also, a slow-moving stream; a pool.
Pownie, powny (n)—A pony.
Preen (n)—A pin.
Prent (n/v)—Print.
Presbytery (n)—A court composed of Presbyterian Church ministers and representative elders of a particular locality; the district represented by this court.
Press-bed (n)—A closet; a clothes-press; a wardrobe.
Pricker (n)—A pricker of witches, i.e., a person who professed to ascertain, by inserting pins into a woman's flesh, whether she was truly a witch, the affirmative being given when he pricked a place insensible to pain.
Prie, pree (v)—To taste; to take.
Provost (n)—A person who is appointed to superintend, or preside over, something; the chief magistrate in some cities and towns; as, the provost of Edinburgh or of Glasgow, corresponding to the mayor of other cities; the provost of a college, corresponding to president; the provost or head of certain collegiate churches.
Puddock (n)—A frog; a toad.
Put to the horn—To outlaw.
Pyke, pike (v)—To pick; also, to steal; to pilfer.Hae a crow to pyke—to have a bone to pick.
Pyot (n)—A magpie; also, an irresponsible person; a flibbertigibbet
Quean (n)—A girl, a young woman.
Quicquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi— The people pay the price for the foolish acts of kings.(Horace, Letters, Book I, Letter II).
Ramp (v)—To rear-up; to romp; to climb (said pf plants).
Ramping (adj)—Rampant.
Randan (n)—A booze-up; a pub-crawl.
Randie, randy (n)—A beggar; a loose- tongued woman; a virago; (adj)—agressive; boisterous.
Randyvoo (n)—A rendez-vous.
Rasp (n)—A raspberry.
Rattan, ratton (n)—A rat.
Rax (v)—To stetch; to pass; to reach.
Red, redd (v)—To arrange; to settle; also, to get rid of; to separate; to free.
Redder (n)—A person who arranges or settles something; a facilitator; a trouble-shooter; a liberator. Redder's straik or redding straik - A blow received by a peacemaker who interferes between two combatants to red or separate them; proverbially, the severest blow a man can receive. “Said I not to ye, 'Make not, meddle not;' beware of the redding-straik?”- Sir W. Scott: Guy Mannering, Chap. XXVII).
Redding (n)—Handling; dealing; clearance; riddance.
Rede (v)—To advise; to counsel.
Reek (n/v)—Smoke.
Reive ( v)—To rob; to plunder; to pillage; to despoil; to deprive; to steal.
Rickle (n)—A loose heap; a skeleton.
Richt (adj)—Right.
Riggin' (n)—A ridge; a roof; roofing
Rin (v)—To run.
Rive (v)—To tear; to rip.
Riven (adj)—Torn.
Riddle (v)—To separate, as grain from chaff, with a riddle (sieve); to pass through a riddle; to shake things up.
Riddling (n)—A shake-up; a purge; the act of using a riddle.
Riddlings (n)—Outcasts; dregs (?)
Rouk, rowk (n)—Fog; mist.
Roup, rowp (v)—To auction off; also, to plunder; to rob.
Rout, rowt (v)—To roar; to bellow; to yell.
Rudas (adj)—Old and haggard; rudas wives - old crones.
Rue {n)—Any of various aromatic southwest Asian or Mediterranean plants of the genus Ruta, especially the ornamental Ruta graveolens, the leaves of which yield an acrid volatile oil formerly used in medicine.
Ruffler—A teller of tales; a beggar who earns money by telling tales of heroism in war.
Run-rig, runrig (n/adj). A land-allocation system used for farming in Scotland before the crofting system. A "rig" is a strip of farmland and a "run" is a group of those strips. The land was held by clans and distributed to clansmen in a "runrig" system of widely-dispersed holdings. This system was to a large extent communal, but the focus was upon the clan. With the decline of the clan system, the community became more geographically oriented. The primary difference between crofting and the runrig system is that in crofting, individual holdings are consolidated. With the Crofters Holdings Act of 1886, crofting areas were defined, and assurance was given of security of tenure, hereditary succession, and fair rent.
Rynge, reenge (n)—Range; (v) to pace about, to range.
Rype, ripe (v)—To search; to examine; to ransack; to rifle; also, to clean.
Saft (adj)—Soft; gentle.
Sair (adj)—Hard, difficult, sore, wearisome; very.
Salve, o venusta Sirmio—Hail, o fair Sirmio (Catullus, Song 31 ). Sirmio is a small town on Lake Garda, Italy, where the poet Catullus had a luxurious summer villa.
Sancti Clementi Opera—The Works of Saint Clement.
Sark (n)—A shirt.
Sasine (n)—A seisin; (a document attesting to) the legal possession of heritable freehold land; also, property thus possessed.
Saugh, sauch (n)—A willow-tree; a willow (broom)stick; (adj) sallow.
Saunt (n)—A saint.
Saut (n)—Salt.
Saw(e) (v)—To sow.
Scaith, skaith (n)—Harm; damage.
Scart (n/v)—Scratch; scartit (adj)—scratched.
Scaur (n)—A steep rock, a precipice; a scar; (v) - to scare.
Schule, schuil (n)—A school.
Sclaff (n)—A stroke; a slap; (v)—to strike (as with the open hand).
Scunner (n)—Dislike; detestation; disgust.
Screed (n)—A long speech or piece of writing.
Scribin, scrievin (n)—Writing; a letter.
Seam (n)—Needlework; a seam; a task; a parting (of hair); also, a row of (artificial) teeth.
Sea-maw (n) A seagull.
Sectary (n)—A sectarian; here, one of a party in religion which has separated itself from established church, or which holds tenets different from those of the prevailing denomination.
Sederunt, sederount (n)—A session of a committee, a court or other body; also, the attendance list of such a meeting.
Seeck, seek (adj)—Sick; ill.
Seisin (n)—Ownership; possession; take seisin—to take possession. See also sasine
Se'nnight (n)—A week (seven nights).
Sequester (v)—To requisition; to confiscate.
Shaw (n)—A copse; a wooded dell; a woodland area.
Sheltie, shelty {n}—A Shetland pony.
Sheiling (n)—A hut or small cottage such as is used by shepherds, fishermen, sportsmen, etc.; a summer cottage; also, a shed; also a high summer pasture.
Shew-bread (n)—Bread of exhibition; loaves of unleavened bread set before God; the term the term denotes the 12 loaves of bread which the priest of the week placed before the Lord on the golden table in the sanctuary. They were made of fine flour, and were changed every Sabbath. The loaves represented the twelve tribes of Israel. They were to be eaten by the priests only, and in the Holy Place.
Shilpit (adj)—Pale; sickly; weak; puny; shrunken.
Shirra(e) (n)—A sheriff.
Shoulther, shouder (n/v))—Shoulder.
Sic (adj)—Such.
Siccan (adj)—Such; so much.
Siccar (adj)—Sure; certain; safe.
Sicht (n)—Sight.
Siller (n)—Money, silver.
Silva Caledonis—The Wood of Caledon. The site in Scotland of a major battle between the legendary King Arthur and the Saxons.
Simmer (n/adj)—Summer.
Sindry (n/adj)—Sundry.
Sixteen Drifty Days—A sixteen-day period of relentless snowfall and blizzards which decimated the region's livestock.
Skail (v)—To spill; to scatter; to disperse.
Skellie (v)—To squint; (adj)— squinting; (n)—a squint; a sideways glance; also, a ridge of rock in a tidal zone.
Skelloch (n/v)—Scream; also (n)—wild mustard.
Skelp (v)—To run; to dash; to sprint; (n)—a blow; a slap.
Skilly (adj)—Skillful.
Skreigh, screich (n)—A screech; skreigh o' day—daybreak.
Slocken (v)—To wetten; to moisten; to quench or slake (a thirst); to put out (a fire).
Smeddum (n)—(Fighting) spirit; energy, mettle; sense.
Smit, smittal (n)—A smidgen; an attack (of a sickness); also, a spot; a stain.
Smoor, smuir (v)—To smother, to suffocate, to choke.
Snaw (n)—Snow.
Sned (v)—To cut; to lop off; to prune.
Snell (adj)—Swift; fast.
Snowk (v)—To sniff; to smell.
Snuffy (adj)—Sulky; irritable; vexed; irascible.
Sodger (n)—A soldier.
Soo, sou (n)—A sow; a pig; (v)— to ache; to inflict pain.
Soop (v)—To sweep.
Soorock (n)—Sorrel.
Sorrow (adj)—Not a single; nary.
Sough (n) A (light) breeze; a sigh; (v) to sough; to sigh.
Sortes Virgilianae (or Homericae) (Latin)—Virgilian or Homeric lots. A form of divination which consisted in taking the first passage on which the eye fell, upon opening a volume of Virgil or Homer, or a passage drawn from an urn in which several were deposited, as indicating future events, or the proper course to be pursued. In later times the Bible was used for the same purpose by Christians. The passage quoted here (Manibus date lilia plenis—Give lilies by the armful) was interpreted as predicting an early death.
Sowans, sowens (n)—Oat husks and meal steeped in water.
Spain, spean (v)—To wean, to suckle; (n) - a suckling animal.
Spate (n)—A sudden flood; a heavy downpour; also, tears.
Speel (v)—To climb; to play.
Speir (v)—To ask; to inquire.
Spence (n)—A parlour, especially in a cottage; also, a pantry or larder.
Spleuchan (n)—A leather pouch.
Staig (n)—A stallion; also, a stalk.
Stane (n/adj)—Stone.
Stap (v)—To cram; to stuff; to stab.
Staw (v)—To sicken; to turn one's stomach.
Stawsome (adj)—Sickening; nauseating.
Steek (v)—To shut, to close; also, to stitch; steekit (adj/pp)—closed; locked.
Steer (n)—A commotion; a stir; a state of unrest; get in a steer—to get worked up.
Stench (adj)—Staunch; stench lees—bold or convincing lies.
Stickit (adj)—Stuck; spoiled in the making; stickit minister—a candidate for the preisthood who is rejected because of incompetency or immorality.
Stirrin', steerin' (adj)—Restless; mischievous.
Stotter (v)—To stagger; to stumble; to rebound.
Stound, stoond (n)—A throb, an ache; an upsurge; (v)—to astound.
Stoup (n)—A tankard; a liquid measure.
Stour (n)—Dust; gar the stour fly—to make the dust fly.
Strae (n)—A straw.
Straik, strake (n)—A blow, a stroke; a spear; (v)—to strike; to spread; a maur straik - a harder blow.
Stramash (n)—An uproar; an upheaval.
Straucht (adj)—Straight.
Strauchten (v)—To lay out (as a corpse); to straighten; to arrange.
Stravaige (v)—To roam; to wander; to gallivant.
Suld, sud (v)—Should, ought to.
Sune (adv)—Soon.
Swatch (n)—A glimpse; a look.
Sweir (adj)—Unwilling; reluctant; (v)— to swear.
Swird, swuird (n)—A sword.
Tack (n)—A lease; a tenancy; a period of time.
Tacksman (n)—A tenant; a lessee.
Tae (n)—A toe.
Tawpie, taupie (adj)—Idle; foolish; giddy; also, awkward.
Teetotum (n)—A four-sided spinning top used for playing games of chance, one side having the letter T on it, standing for Latin totum (all), meaning, take all that is staked, whence the name. The other three sides each had a letter indicating an English or Latin word; as P meaning put down, N nothing, H half. also, a child's toy, similar to a top and twirled by the fingers.
Teind (n)—A tithe; a tenth part.
Tent (n)—Attention; notice; tak' tent - to pay attention.
Teugh, teuch (adj)—Tough.
Thack (n)—Thatch.
Thackless (adj)—Unthatched.
Thereanent (adv)—Concerning this.
The morn (n)—Tomorrow.
Thirl (v)—To bind (to); to thrill.
Thocht (n/pp)—Thought.
Thole (v)—To suffer; to endure or put up with something, particularly when there is no alternative.
Thrang (adj)—Busy; (n)—a throng.
Thrapple (n)—Throat; windpipe; (v)—to throttle.
Thraw (v)—To throw; to twist.
Threip, threap (v)—To insist; to assert dogmatically.
Thresh (n/v)—Flail; thrash.
Thretty, thrittie (n)—Thirty.
Thrissle (n)—A thistle.
Throstle (n)—A song-thrush.
Through-ither (adj)—Confused; scatter- brained.
Tinkler (n)—A tinker.
Tint (adj)—Lost.
Tirrivee (n)—A rage; a tantrum; (a state of) excitement.
Tod (n)—A fox.
Tolbooth, towebuith (n)—A town jail; a town hall; a tax office; a toll-booth.
Toom, tuim (adj)—Empty.
Toun (n)—A town; also, a farm-house.
Tow(e) (n)—A rope; flax.
Tram (n)—The shaft of a barrow or cart; an upright gallows post. Hae your leg ower the trams—To be over- zealous; to go too far.
Trauchle (v)—To trudge; to be burdened by.
Trokin' (n)—Trade; barter; business; merchandise; also, trash, From troke (v)—to barter, to trade.
Trow, trowe (v)—To trust; to believe.
Trysted, trystit (adj)—Bespoken; reserved; on order.
Tuilzie (n)—A fight; a struggle.
Tup, tuip (n)—A ram.
Twa (n)—Two.
Twal (n)—Twelve.
Twine (v)—To separate; to part.
Tyke, tike (n)—A dog; a cur; a mongrel.
Unco (adj/adv)—Very; uncommon; strange; extremely.
Uncoly (adv)—Very much.
Unkenned (adv)—Unknown.
Unplewed (adj)—Unploughed; fallow.
Unraxed (adj)—Unstretched.
Upbye, upby (adv)—Upstairs; up there; (n) - Heaven.
Upsides (adj/adv)—On an equal footing; level; get upsides with—to get the better of; to defeat.
Usquebagh (n)—Whisky (Galeic).
Verra (adj/adv)—Very.
Wabster (n)—A weaver; also, a spider.
Wad (v)—Would; also, to wed; to bet; to wager; (pp)—wedded.
Wae (n)—Woe; wae's me!—woe is me!
Waft (n)—Weave; weft; (v)—to trounce; to out-manoeuvre.
Wale (v)—To choose; to select.
Walth (n)—Wealth.
Wame, wyme (n)—Belly; womb
Wanchancie, unchancie (adj)— inauspicious; unlucky; ill-omened; ill-fated; risky; threatening; treacherous.
Wark (n/v)—Work.
Warld (n)—The world; wardly (adj)—worldly.
Warst (adj)—Worst.
Wastry, wastrie (n)—Extravagance; wastefulness.
Wauf, wauch (adj)—Unsavoury; unpleasant; worthless; also, unwell; faint; weary.
Wauken (v)—To wake up; to awaken.
Waukrife (adj)—Wakeful; sleepless; watchful.
Waur (adj)—Worse.
Wean (n)—A child; a baby.
Wecht (n)—A weight; (v)—to weigh.
Wedder, wether (n)—A castrated adult male sheep.
Weel-a-weel (interj)—Very well; all right.
Wersh (adj)—Poor (of soil); tasteless (of food or drink); insipid; cooked without salt.
Weskit (n)—Waistcoat.
Wha (pron)—Who.
Whaup (n)—A curlew.
Whaur (adv)—Where.
Wheen (n)—A number (of); a few; (adj)— several.
Wheesht (interj)—Silence! Hush!
Whiles, files (adv)—Sometimes.
Whilk (pron)—Which.
Whinge (v)—To whine.
Whinstone (n)—Any of various hard, dark- colored rocks, especially basalt and chert.
Widdershins (adv)—counter-clockwise; topsy- turvy; the wrong way.
Wile (v)—To entice; to decoy; to deceive.
Win forth (v)—To leave; to depart.
Windy (n)—A window.
Wirriecow, warriecow (n) A hobgoblin; the Devil; a mischievous person.
Wrang (adj)—Wrong.
Wud (n)—Wood.
Wuddy, widdie (n)—A hangman's rope; also, a twig of tough, flexible wood.
Wullcat (n)—A wildcat.
Wund (n)—A wind; a wound.
Wyse, wice (v)—To direct; to show; to guide; to coax; to induce; (adj)—wise.
Wyte (noun)—Blame; (v)—To blame; to accuse.
Yauld (adj)—Vigorous; active.
Yawp, yaup (n/v)—Howl; yelp; bawl; (adj) - hungry.
Yestereen (n/adv)—Last night.
Yett (n)—A gate.
Yill (n)—Ale.
Yirth, yird (n)—Earth.
Yoke-fellow (n)—A companion.
Yowe (n)—A ewe.