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A British writer who wrote a large number of adventure novels over more than 30 years, usually set in sparsely populated regions of the United States or Canada.

He left home aged 17 to join a gold rush in the Transvaal in South Africa, where he became involved in the conflict between British and Boer settlers; he travelled to the scene of another gold rush in Yukon in north-west Canada; he spent a few years cattle-ranching in Montana, USA.

His first novel The Devil's Keg, set in Alberta, Canada, was published in 1903. After its success he settled in Britain and became a full-time writer. Several of his novels were made into films.



* Black Wolf (story)
  The Story-teller, Mar 1925

* The Brooding Wild. A Mountain Tragedy (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1905, 1913 and 1914
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1915
  George Newnes, London, 1926
  Wright & Brown, London, 1934

* The Bull Moose (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1931
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1931
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1931
  Ryerson, Toronto, 1931
  George Newnes, London, 1933

* The Candy Man (novel)
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1926
  The Readers Library, London, 1926
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1927
  Thomas Nelson & Sons. London, 1928
  Wright & Brown, Ltd., London, 1935
* US Title: Child of the North
  George H. Doran, New York, 1926
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1926

* Child of the North see The Candy-Man
* The Compact (novel)
  Subtitle: The story of an Unrecorded Conspiracy in South Africa
  Publisher not ascertained, 1909
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1913
  George Newnes, London, 1927 and 1930
  Wright & Brown, London, 1933

* The Devil's Keg (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1903, 1910, 1913 and 1915
  George Newnes, London, 1920, 1925 and 1927
  Wright & Brown Ltd., London, 1935
  Brown Watson. London, 1949
* Title in USA and Canada: The Story of the Foss River Ranch
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1903
  L.C. Page, Boston, 1903
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1903

* The Flaming Wildness (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1934 and 1936
  The Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1934
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1934
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1934

* The Forfeit see The Purchase Price

* Four Complete Novels (collection)
  George Newnes, London, 1930
  1. The Purchase
  2. The Hound from the North
  3. The Compact
  4. The Night Riders

* Gautier's Last Dance (story)
  Phil May's Annual #13, Summer 1902

* The Golden Woman (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1913 and 1915
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1913
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1913
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1913
  George Newnes, London, 1925?
  Wright & Brown, London, 1936
  Brown Watson. London, 1949

* The Heart of Unaga (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1920
  The Readers Library, London, 1920
  Wright & Brown, London, 1920?, 1934 and 1936
  G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1920
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1920
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1930

* The Hound from the North (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1904 and 1912
  G. Bell, London, 1904
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1904
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1904
  Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1904 and 1912
  L.C. Page, Boston, 1904
  Everett & Co., London, 191-

* In the Brooding Wild (novel)
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1905 and 1909
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1905
  L.C. Page, Boston, 1905
  Chapman & Hill, London, 1918
* Juggling with Longitude (with Charles Wingrove) (story)
  The Harmsworth Magazine, Dec 1900
  The Argosy, Jan 1901

* The Law-Breakers (novel)
  Chapman & Hill, London, 1914
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1914
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1914
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1914
  George Newnes, London, 1925
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1930
  Wright & Brown, London, 1937

* The Law of the Gun (novel)
  Chapman & Hill, London, 1918
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1918
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1918
  W. Briggs, Toronto, 1918
  George Newnes, London, 1921 and 1925
  Wright & Brown, London, 1937

* The Luck of the Kid (novel)
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1923
  Putnam, New York, 1923
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1923
  Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1923
  The Readers Library, London, 1927
  Thomas Nelson & Sons. London, 1927
  Wright & Brown, London, 1934
  Queensway Press, London, 1936

* The Man from the Lias River
  Brown Watson, London, 1950 
  Originally published as The Saint of the Speedway (qv)

* The Man in the Twilight (novel)
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1922
  Putnams, New York, 1922
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1922
  Ryerson Press, Toronton, 1922
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1927
  Wright & Brown, London, 1933

* The Men Who Wrought (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1916
  G. Bell & Sons, London, 1916
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1916
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1916
  George Newnes, London, 1926
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1930
  Wright & Brown, London, 1937

* My Best Stories of the Wild West (collection)
  George Newnes, London, 1930
* The Mystery of the Barren Lands (novel)
  Cassell, London, 1928
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1928
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1928
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1928

* The Night Riders (novel)
  Chapmann & Hall, London, 1906, 1911 and 1916
  The Readers Library, London, 1906
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1906
  Everett & Co., London, 1913
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1913
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1913
  George Newnes, London, 1926
  The Readers Library, London, 1926
  Wright & Brown, London, 1934
  Made into a film, 1920

* The One-Way Trail (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1911 and  1913
  G. Bell & Sons, London, 1911
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1911
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1911
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1911
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1914
  George Newnes, London, 1927 and 1930
* One Who Kills (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1938
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1938

* The Purchase Price (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1917
  George Newnes, London, 1926
  Wright & Brown, London, 1933
* US title: The Forfeit
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1917
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1917
* Filmed as "The Forfeit," 1919

* The Riddle of Three-Way Creek (novel)
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1925
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1925
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1925?
  MacClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1925
  Wright & Brown, London, 1925?
* The Saint of the Speedway (novel)
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1924 and 1925
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 192?
  MacClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1924
  George H. Duran, New York, 1924
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1927
  The Readers Library, London, 1929
  Wright & Brown, London, 1935
  Brown Watson, London, 1950, as "The Man from the Lias River"

* Sheets in the Wind (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1932
  Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1932
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1932
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphi, 1932

* The Sheriff of Dyke Hole (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1909
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1909
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1909
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1909
  George Newnes, London, 1925
  Wright & Brown, London, 1933
* The Son of his Father (novel) 
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1915
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1915
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1915
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1917
  George Newnes, London, 1921 and 1930
  Wright & Brown, London, 1937
  Made into a film, 1917

* Stolen Locomotive (with Charles Wingrove) (story)
  The Argosy, Dec 1900

* The Story of the Foss River Ranch see The Devil's Keg

* The Tiger of Cloud River (novel)
  Cassell & Co., London, 1929 and 1930
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1929
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1929
  The Readers Library, London, 1932
  Brown & Watson, London, 1949

* The Trail of the Axe (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1910, 1913 and 1914
  Copp Clark, Toronto, 1910
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1910
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1910
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1915
  George Newnes, London, 1926 and 1932
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1930
  Wright & Brown, London, 1936
* The Treasure of Big Waters (novel)
  Cassell & Co., London, 1930
  Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1930
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1930
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1930

* The Triumph of John Kars (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1917
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1917
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1917
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1917
  George Newnes, London, 1920
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1925
  Wright & Brown, London, 1936

* The Twins of Suffering Creek (novel)
  Chapman & Fall, London, 1912 and 1914
  George Bell & Sons, London, 1912
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1912
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1912
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1912
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1914
  George Newnes, London, 1926 and 1931
  Wright & Brown, London, 1933
  Filmed twice:
  As "The Twins of Suffering Creek," 1920
  As "The Man Who Won," 1923

* The Vampire of N'Gobi (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1935 and 1937
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1936

* The Watchers of the Plains (novel)
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1908 and 1917
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1908
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1909 and 1911
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1909
  Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1914
  Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1917
  George Newnes, London, 1927
  Wright & Brown, London, 1935
* The Way of the Strong (serial/novel)
  All-Story Cavalier Weekly, Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3 1914
  Chapman & Hall, London, 1914
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1914
  A.L. Burt, New York, 1914
  G.W. Jacobs, Philadelphia, 1914
  George Newnes, London, 1918
  Made into a film, 1919

* Whiffs from the Wild West (collection, edited by Bransby Williams)
  Reynolds & Co., London, 1921

* The Wolf Pack (novel)
  Cecil Palmer, London, 1927
  Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1927
  A.L. Burt, New Yorl, 1927
  J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1927
  Cassell & Co, London, 1928
  The Readers Library, London, 1929


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